
Miskatonic Woods Collectible Art Drink Coasters

Created by Tom Woods

Choose from all 5 H.P. Lovecraft inspired art drink coasters. Sets of 4 or 5 coasters are available. You can choose what mix of designs you would like after checkout. (More new designs coming soon)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Here Come The Surveys!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jul 07, 2021 at 12:32:52 AM

Hello All!

I just sent out the remaining 213 surveys. (I had tested about 23 here on Kickstarter, and BackerKit sent out a “smoke-test" of about 18 surveys.

I think the surveys will cooperate but if I'm missing any order info etc. for some strange reason, I will message you.

If you have already filled out a Kickstarter or BackerKit survey, or gave me your order or ship-to info via a message, you should not be getting another survey through BackerKit.

 If you do get one, it's possible that your information did not port over from Kickstarter to BackerKit properly, so it wants it in order for me to have the info to ship.

The BackerKit appears to want a telephone number, (or it won't let the survey be released to me as confirmed), but I think if you don't want to give a phone number, you may be able to put in all 9’s.

I'm ready to hit-the-ground-running, and start sorting, addressing, making labels and stuffing envelopes and boxes as soon as the coasters get here to the Miskatonic Woods Art Studio.

I'll have to get my warehouse minions on it right away. ;D

Let me know if you have any questions or problems with the BackerKit survey, and I'll get on it asap.

(I think BackerKit Help desk is closed Saturday and Sunday though).

Don't forget, if you need more of any coasters, because maybe you showed a friend or fellow gamer (wink-wink) you can order more as Add-Ons via BackerKit!

Thanks again!

Best Regards,


BackerKit Survey Smoke-Test Sent Out and Next is The Remaining Surveys!
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 06, 2021 at 09:44:18 AM

Hello Everyone!

Here is a new Update about the surveys:

I'm about ready now to send out the BackerKit Surveys. 

I just sent out what is known as a “smoke-test" survey (From BackerKit), to expose any glitches in how the survey is working.

The smoke-test surveys went out to backers from 5% of each pledge level, which isn't many, but it's enough for a good test.

When I get most of them back, and if there are no problems, I'll send out the rest of the surveys tonight or tomorrow morning.

I've been working with a couple excellent people at BackerKit Help, who have been working on finding a way to have both the designs and quantities correctly show up in the Survey, (along with images of each coaster for reference), as Add-Ons, and in the Pre-Order Store on BackerKit.

 BackerKit Help also recommended that I send out the BackerKit Surveys to backers that have already included their order info from the smoke-test I did with some Kickstarter surveys.

They suggest I send the BackerKit survey to those of you who may have already done a Kickstarter survey, so that you can confirm your order details, just to double-check, as a few had incomplete info when it got to me.

Thank you all for your continued support!

I'm sorry for any inconvenience if you have already filled out the survey here with Kickstarter, but I'd appreciate it if you could do the BackerKit survey if you don't mind.


BackerKit surveys are coming!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 03, 2021 at 08:52:52 AM

Soon, you’ll receive an email from me with a special link to your BackerKit survey. 

It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since I need this information to fulfill your rewards.

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. 

When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond.

Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. 

You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email!

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before I close the surveys and get my final counts.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on my BackerKit project page at https://[project name]

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at https://[project name]

Thanks again!


Hello Backers! A Great Big "Thank You" For Your Support of My Project!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 12:57:30 PM

I just wanted to thank you all for your outstanding support of my art coasters Kickstarter campaign!

Here is a little more info about the process for those who are unfamiliar with how Kickstarter works:

After Kickstarter has collected the funds from backers, they will take their cut, then deposit the remainder into my bank account in about 2 weeks or so.

Deep Ones Close-Up! :D

Then I can order the coasters and shipping materials, etc!

It takes from 5 to 10 business days, (not including weekends) to get the coasters printed AND delivered here to me.

Next, I immediately start packing and shipping out your rewards!

Rewards shipped within the US can take up to a week to get to their destination and international orders can take from around 2 weeks to a couple of months to get to their destinations.


This is an important step because only Kickstarter has your personal and payment information.

Therefore, in order for me to know how many of each coaster design you ordered, AND your Ship-To name address, I need you to fill out your surveys.

I've decided to use Kickstarter, to send my Survey out to Backers.

(Due to Backer Kit fees, I would have to sell many additional coaster sets in Backer Kit just to break-even on their fee.)

You will be emailed when I send the survey, and will also receive periodic reminder emails from Kickstarter for two weeks.

Additionally, backers logging in to Kickstarter will see a notification banner at the top of the screen alerting them that they have a survey pending.

I can speed-up the entire process if I get the bulk of the replies quickly (so I know which and how many of each design to order), AND if I can loan the money required to pay for the order of coasters BEFORE I get the funds from Kickstarter.

 I then can possibly cut 2-3 weeks off of the schedule and get you your orders all that much sooner!

Thanks again!


Hello from the Miskatonic Woods Shipping Department!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 08:22:47 AM

Hello from the Miskatonic Woods Shipping Department!

Just kidding! It's just me, myself and I here.

I'm getting the various mailing, packing and boxes, etc ready for the next step after my Kickstarter campaign is over.

I've also been working on some new art, but didn't get a chance to video the latest sketches.

I sketch the thumbnail or concept sketches I like the best into a sketchbook in more detail. They usually turnout more to my liking after I sketch them a couple times or so. 

Then I'll test out color using markers, color pencil, inks or take it straight to the computer.

Lots of stuff to do!

Here is a photo of testing out the fitting 5 coasters to a No.10 size envelope, along with the usual 4 coasters in another envelope, and the 2 boxes.

The smaller box holds up to a dozen coasters and the deeper box holds up to 32 coasters.

Since my campaign is getting into it's later hours, I'd like to ask everyone who can, if you don't mind continuing to share my art project among other people and groups in your social media world, who may like Lovecraft's creatures, horror, Tabletop RPG and monsters.

Here's the link to this campaign:

Thanks for your continued support!

- Tom